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Reading progress update: I've read 101 out of 408 pages.

FDR, Dewey, and the Election of 1944 - David M. Jordan

I've had David Jordan's book on my shelf ever since it was first published, only it was never enough of a reading priority for me. With my recent itch to read books on presidential elections, though, and having just finished a book on the 1940 race, I decided the time had finally come to read it.


So far, though, the experience has been disappointing. Jordan is a capable writer, but his text is all narrative and no analysis. It doesn't help that he tries to set the scene with a little context, which would be fitting for a book geared towards a general audience -- but how much of an audience is there really for a book on a nearly seven-decades-old presidential election? Still, it's proving to be a quick read and I'm learning some interesting details from it. When I'm done with it, though, this one will be going into the book box rather than back on the shelf.